Friday, March 21, 2014

March Madness…for Nutrition!

While the basketball lovers of the world are occupied with bracketing, the rest of us out there might be interested to know that it's National Nutrition Month!

As a health coach this is a great time to remind people to clean up there eating. Why do you ask? Well, because poor eating habits create problems such as hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. Most of us know this, but it's good to be reminded that there is a reason for the behavior. 

I also like to remind my clients that what works for one person, may not work for another. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics makes recommendations based on the average person, but we are each created differently and with different dispositions. Dairy, meat and gluten all effect people in wildly different ways. 

If you find that you are experiences help changes in any way, I challenge you to look to your diet to see if there might be an underlying culprit. Often allergies that are subtle can manifest into significant autoimmune diseases, for example. If you find yourself feeling stuck, unsure, or needing support I'd be happy to help you in your quest.

Happy eating, as you spring into this new season of abundance. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

February Is American Heart Month

Happy heart month--and not just because Valentine's Day is coming up.

February is American Heart Month, and there is no better time to start thinking about your heart than right now! It is always there for you and in return you need to treat it right. Heart disease is a condition that usually does not manifest until a person's fifties, but can take decades of bad habits to create. Right now you can stop and even reverse the negative effects on your heart and cardiovascular system through corrective eating and regular exercise.

The Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine has come up with some recommendations that can be found on their website:

Furthermore, Dr. Dean Ornish developed a protocol that proved combative against heart disease using a low-fat vegetarian diet, required moderate exercise, no smoke, and prescribed stress management techniques. If you are interested in living a long, happy, and healthy life, then made sure you protect your heart with these preventive measures before symptoms occur. 

If you are concerned with your current state of health, or have goals of increasing your health, consider working with a health coach to achieve these goals. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Why Exercise Matter so Much!

We hear it all the time that we should eat better and exercise more. The sound of that prescription can start to grade on you, as it can just seem so generic, but the truth is that those are the basic principals to starting healthy. And exercise is one that the diet industry tends to not want to talk about. So here is a short list of why you should be exercising.

  • Your DNA can change
  • Stress Reduction
  • Boosts endorphins, leading to a better mood
  • Protects you from Diabetes
  • Better Concentration
So next time you are trying to talk yourself out of exercising, just think of these great reasons. It might just even just extend your life, or at least make it more enjoyable. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Eat to Live Diet

Usually I will publish research here from leading institutions to keep track of new findings; however, sometimes the best research is from the experiments you conduct yourself. With the New Year in full swing I decided to try my own experiment, which would help me work towards my resolutions this year: getting my diet in check and losing weight--an on-going battle with my genes and cultural upbringing.

The first full week of January of 2014 my husband and I began a new diet and challenge with the Eat to Live diet. I had hear about Fr. Fuhrman's research and outcomes from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, where I am enrolled in a certification program to become a health coach. I then forgot about it for almost 8 months when I came across the book again on my honeymoon. When we returned home I bought the book, and we have now been on the diet for 2 weeks.

Dr. Fuhrman has a 6-week diet plan as a transition into the "life plan." I have found it to be one of the simplest and clearest set of guidelines out of any diet I have ever tried. Here are the basic guidelines:

  • Eat at least 1 cup of beans / day
  • Eat at least 1 lb. of green leafy vegetables / day
  • Eat at least 4 fruits / day
  • Limit starchy veggies or grains to 1 cup / day
  • Limit nuts to 2 ounces / day
  • Limit caffeine to 1 cup of coffee / day or less
  • no oils, sugar, processed foods, salt additives, alcohol
While it has been difficult as times over the last two weeks, suck as meeting friends at a bar that where in town, it has also been rewarding. To date I have lost 6 lbs. over the last 2 weeks. My skin also looks cleaner and I just generally feel good. My birthday is 1 week shy of the 6 weeks, so I will be breaking the diet a week early, but I can already see a future eating this way for both my immediate goals, and for long term health. 

I would encourage everyone to jump in and take this 6-week challenge!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The JAMA(Journal of the American Medical Association)Report

The JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) released a new report finding that most heart attack and stroke survivors do not adapt healthier lifestyles. More than 600 people from urban and rural countries were apart of a recent study that looked at people recovering from Cardiovascular Disease. The study aimed to see whether participates would make lifestyle improvements. Sadly,  only 2/5th of people improved made improvements. The low income countries were less likely to improve their diets to meet these demands of the body; however, higher income earning countries did not do much better. Only 4% of all participants in all countries were able to follow all 3 areas of recommendation, which include quitting smoking, improved diet and increased exercise.

From a behavioral point of view it is easy to understand that individuals that have held these negative patterns for so many years will have a very hard time changing these deadly patterns. The health field's biggest challenge will be finding new ways to encourage people that diet and exercise will not only save their life, but are actually fun. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dental Hygiene

After a recent visit to the dentist I realized that I know so little about alternative dental practices. As I was confronted with doing a deep cleaning, I was wondering how did this happen, and was there a cheaper way to solve this problem? I have found all of these helpful, but have not tried the oil pulling yet. I would love to hear if anyone else have found them useful. 

Here are 6 ways to maintain oral hygiene:
Oil pullingThis simple process involves rinsing your mouth with a tablespoon of coconut oil for approximately 15 minutes, and then spitting out the oil.  The reason it is called “oil pulling” is because the antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal components of coconut oil literally pull out any unhealthy microbes that may be hiding in your teeth and gums. This leaves your teeth looking whiter, feeling cleaner, and having decreased oral inflammation. It can even improve your sinus congestion! Just make sure not to swallow the toxin-filled oil when you’re done rinsing.
Tongue cleaningIf you’ve never heard of this apparatus, it is basically a U-shaped wire with rubber grips that is used to scrape the surface of the tongue to remove any unfriendly residue. Along with brushing, this will help to remove any toxins that may be lingering in the mouth. If you consistently have a white coating on your tongue, consider taking probiotics to control internal yeast.
Salt water rinseRinsing the mouth with a combination of warm water and pure quality sea salt (such as Himalayan sea salt) is a great way to lower inflammation after a dental procedure because it helps to soothe the soft membranes of your gums. It also has the effect of alkalizing your oral pH balance, which deters the proliferation of unwanted microbes.
FlossingBrushing alone can’t always remove the tiny food pieces that get caught in the crevices of your teeth, so flossing is a daily must in order to prevent cavities, remove plaque, and promote clean healthy gums.
Remove any mercury fillingsIf you have any silver fillings in your mouth, they are likely made of mercury, an unsafe metal which has the potential to cause a wide range of illness symptoms in the human body. Find aspecially-trained holistic dentist who is qualified and equipped to remove the mercury safely, then follow with a gentle cleanse that includes natural detoxifying foods, like cilantro!
Get regular check-upsSeeing your dentist twice a year for cleanings is one of the best ways to catch the symptoms of an unhealthy mouth early, and keep your pearly whites looking and feeling their best.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Women in Health and Sciences

Did you know that today nearly half of all medical student graduates are women? Last month the National Institute of Health celebrated Women's History Month by recognizing 50 women that have lead the way in health and sciences. Check out the great slide presentation at the address below.
