In this article scientists are urging the FDA to create recommendations for sugar consumption to moderate daily intake. One of the culprits of this sugar overload is the large sized sodas sold everywhere in this country. Research supports that diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity are largely preventable conditions that have been created and made worse by the consumption of large amounts of sugar. The argument for regulating these massive sized sugary beverages is based on public health concern.
Which ever side you are on the regulation of food and related products, the issue remains that the public does not seem to understand the seriousness of sugar toxicity on the body. Considering the amount of money these diseases place on our economy, it seem to make sense that the FDA should weigh in on the issue. As the public waits to hear the news on recommendation levels, which Science already knows, regulation is left up to the individual consumer to educate themselves on these issues. As a growing public heath concern continues, maybe one day the FDA will decide to do it's job and stand up to corporate interests to protect the American people.

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